Candidates should have a Ph.D. in theoretical physics with demonstrated expertise in the area of neutrino physics. Applications should include a CV, a publication list, a research proposal and three letters of reference. At the first round, the applicants will be judged entirely on the merit of their submissions, without reference to potential host institutions. The finalists of this round will be required to submit a research program together with a PI in their preferred host institution/s and arrange for a letter of commitment from the host PIs to be uploaded at AJO at that stage.
Applications will be reviewed by the NTN Scientific Advisory Board, who will serve as the selection committee, and awards will be allocated by the NTN Scientific Steering Committee based on recommendations from the selection committee. We expect to award up to two fellowships per year, contingent on funding availability; first awards are expected to start in the fall of 2025.
The review of applications will begin in December 2024. Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications before December 1, 2024, to ensure full consideration. For further inquiries, please contact Theory Division Administrator, Olivia Vizcarra, at Potential host institutions have the opportunity to send a paragraph to stating their availability, including PI names and their main areas of interest relevant for the NTN fellowship. This information will be posted at
We seek a candidate pool that is diverse on all axes; persons from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Current NTN postdoctoral fellows can be found here: